
What are the Reliability Tests for Light Emitting Diodes for Communication?

What are the Reliability Tests for Light Emitting Diodes for Communication?

Failure determination of light emitting two tubes for communication:

Provide a fixed current to compare the optical output power, if the error is greater than 10%, the failure is determined.

Mechanical stability test:

Shock test: 5tims/axis, 1500G, 0.5ms Vibration test: 20G, 20 ~ 2000Hz, 4min/cycle, 4cycle/axis Liquid thermal shock test: 100℃(15sec)←→0℃(5sec)/5cycle

Durability test:

Accelerated aging test: 85℃/ power (maximum rated power)/5000 hours, 10000 hours

High temperature storage test: maximum rated storage temperature /2000 hours

Low temperature storage test: maximum rated storage temperature /2000 hours

Temperature cycle test: -40℃(30min)←85℃(30min), RAMP: 10/min, 500cycle

Moisture resistance test: 40℃/95%/56 days, 85℃/85%/2000 hours, sealing time

Communication diode element screening test:

Temperature screening test: 85℃/ power (maximum rated power)/96 hours screening failure determination: Compare the optical output power with the fixed current, and determine failure if the error is larger than 10%

Communication diode module screening test:

Step 1: Temperature cycle screening: -40℃(30min)←→85℃(30min), RAMP: 10/min, 20cycle, no power supply

Second: Temperature screening test: 85℃/ power (maximum rated power)/96 hours

High And Low Temperature Test Chamber
